
By Jackyt

Red admiral

Busy day. Walked the dogs then popped over to my sister's for coffee and a chat, as we haven't seen each other for a couple of weeks.
She was picking me some figs from her massive fig tree and I couldn't believe the number of red admirals on the tree, they were enjoying the overripe fruit.
On the way home the dogs and I had another walk.
This evening I went mantrailing with Keely, first trail was a door indication, where the trail layer was hiding inside a hut with the door closed.
The second trail was not only in the dark with a head torch, but also blind (i.e. I didn't know where the trail layer had gone. We started well but someone was walking pass at a crucial moment and she went visual and pulled towards them, this pulled us off the trail so she started hunting, when I realised this I started walking her back towards the scent article and she picked up the trail again and nailed the end

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