
By soozaday

House Finch at Work

Our giant sunflowers were alive with finches this morning. Mostly house finches, but a couple of lesser goldfinches stopped by as well. (how does it feel to be called a lesser goldfinch? ) Random googling yields this gem: Goldfinches are messengers of good luck. They bring abundance, joy, and optimism. They symbolize spiritual renewal and creativity.

Such flitting and hopping and jockeying for position! No sooner had someone settled on a flower, but someone else would swoop in to chase them off, never mind there are plenty of those big seed heads to go around.  At least I think so.

It was a lovely day to sit in the garden and knit. I’’m working on another chicken in case anyone wants to know. But our backyard landscape is changing: the neighbor is building another unit on his property. He said it would replace the old garage he tore down, but it’s an actual living unit with kitchen and bath, and quite a bit taller than the old building. I was pretty stunned when I saw the first stage of the framing this afternoon. I don’t think it will affect the sun pattern in the garden, but it is certainly a bulk to contend with. It’s been nice for a few weeks to have the open space between demolition and construction.

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