
By tridral

Hanes o dan dy draed

Hanes o dan dy draed. ~ History under your feet

“Photographers don't take pictures. They create images.”
― Mark Denman

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Roeddwn i'n cerdded i'r ceiropractydd heddiw ac roeddwn i'n edrych ar y gorchuddion metel ar hyd y stryd . Roedd amser pan cwmnïau yn cyhoeddi eu hunain mewn haearn bwrw.

Dyma 'CCWW ST', sy'n golygu Gwaith Dŵr Corfforaeth Caerdydd, Tap Stop Daeth Gwaith Dŵr Corfforaeth Caerdydd i ben ar 1 Ebrill 1974 ac mae Dwr Cymru bellach yn gofalu am ein dwr. 

Mae llawer mwy o hanes ar y ddaer - yn arbennig cwmnïau teledu cebl a ffôn nad ydynt bellach gyda ni. Mae hefyd gorchuddion sy'n dweud 'No Scrap Value', sy'n dweud stori ei hun.

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I was walking to the chiropractor today and I was looking at the metal covers along the street. There was a time when companies announced themselves in cast iron.

This is 'CCWW ST', which means Cardiff Corporation Water Works, Stop Tap. Cardiff Corporation's Water Works closed on 1 April 1974 and Welsh Water now looks after our water.

There is much more history on the ground - especially cable TV and telephone companies that are no longer with us. There are also covers that say 'No Scrap Value', which tells a story of its own.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gorchudd tap stop dwr
Description (English): Water stop tap cover
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