
By PaulaJ

It looks dull . . .

. . . it was very dull, but at this point at least it wasn’t raining.

Our day by the sea did not quite work out as planned. After the lovely sunny day yesterday, today dawned cloudy, wet and very windy. It was not pleasant at all.

So . . .
we went to our old haunt Craster, managed a wander by the harbour until it got too wet. Then we were booked into ‘The Jolly Fisherman’ for lunch. Superb food there, as we knew from old. The place was full - many people preferring to go for a nice lunch instead of battling with wind and rain.

We tried Barter Books, but soon realised everyone else had had the same idea on a wet day. We returned to Seahouses via this beach where we wandered for a while. By then it had stopped raining but was still windy. Good to be out anyway - and by the sea.

Never mind - we have a lovely hotel room with a sea view, so we can at least look at the sea . . . and I have exciting new books to read. And tomorrow promises to be another sunny, dry day. So we will get in some walking before setting off home.

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