Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I did intend going down to the village this afternoon but the weather wasn't nice at all so I decided against it.  Its been foggy and rainy all day.

I got on with the ironing whilst catching up with some TV viewing.

Got my blip shot when I popped into the back harden to put some bird food out.  Whatever the weather my neighbours cat Fluffy ( that's my name for her... she's really called Cheeky ) will appear as soon as I open the back door.  She likes to keep me company if Im gardening - but she's not a friendly cat.  If I get too close she will hiss and growl.  What she really wants is food and gets grumpy if none appears.  I usually give her a saucer of leftovers from Tino and Lily - if their food has been out for a while and gone " crusty"  and dry they won't eat it.  Fluffy will eat anything.  I processed my photo  using Deep Arts Effects. There is no theme for Abstract Thursday.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Unfortunately I couldn't avoid the rain this evening as I had to go to slimming club.  But it was just drizzling so it wasn't too bad.  Our consultant has been doing a big advertising campaign on Facebook, putting leaflets through doors and posters in shop windows etc and she was expecting a few new members this evening as a result.  However none turned up.  Disappointing as we need to grow the group to enable it to keep going.  Eleven of us stayed to the meeting after getting weighed.  I lost one pound this week so I was pleased about that.

You may remember me mentioning on Tuesday that Neil was messaging me about the cricket at the Oval.  What he omitted to tell me at the time was that he was actually at The Oval watching it.  ( I had assumed he was watching online or on TV. )   He was down in London all day on Tuesday and travelled home late  yesterday.  It was a " works social outing".  I'm glad he was able to meet up socially with his co- workers as it doesn't happen often.  He works from home and the company isn't local so there are not many chances  to socialise with anyone else.

Steps today - 5,737

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