Peppermint Tea Leaves

By pepperminttea

The Cat (Menagerie*4)

I had a little photo shoot with the last of our 4 cats today... originally named The Cat, or Kat. We found her in Dublin 5 or 6 years ago after she had been knocked down. Nobody ever claimed her, so she came home with us. We did try several names with her, but nothing ever stuck, so Kat it was.

She is by far the most feline of the cats (the others are barely feline at all, Squiggle is convinced she's a dog, except better because she can jump up on the kitchen counter) and has that typical "I'll come a sit with you if I feel like it, and if I do you have to stroke my head the whole time" attitude, and looks out for herself, but she has a good wee heart. I think she's quite old, so I can't blame her for not bothering with people if she doesn't feel like it. Surprisingly, she let me pick her up today and sat in my arms, which is very rare.

So, given the description above, I thought this photo summed her up best.

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