Living my dream

By Mima

Model dog

Another Opp Shop bargain has been added to the blanket collection Chez Mima. This colourful woollen blanket is protecting the sofa and is beautifully modelled by the current sofa occupant. 

I continue to be unable to sit there in any comfort and spend the evenings lying on a mat alongside it (in great comfort). 

I've been a little out of sorts this week, which initially I thought was thanks to the lack of sleep after two nights of gales, but which is actually more to do with the continued niggle and vulnerability of my back. It is taking me a while to come to terms with what is likely to be a lifelong issue. I know it is minor (in the extreme) compared to many people's health challenges and I feel pathetic for finding it difficult. 

As a result not only am I trying to learn and accept the new limitations, but I'm beating myself up at the same time. Talk about daft!

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