
By soozsnapz

After dark in the garden

I was out there picking some tomatoes to go with my tea. A bit after 8. Rained almost all day, but stopped in the late afternoon, now drying out a bit. My pots are pretty tangly and overgrown now, but still some nice things.  I like the fennel.  The experiment to grow some courgettes in pots has failed, only the ones in the ground, at the allotment have borne ….courgettes:) The light in the kitchen was enough to see what I was doing.  The red on the left is my geranium, which just goes on flowering all year in the kitchen window. The dark grey sky is cloud - we are promised even more rain tomorrow. 
Spent the morning running errands, most of which were ok, except going to the IKEA customer service department because the replacement, recently sent, for a faulty part in a shelving unit, was also faulty. That was unspeakably frustrating so I won’t speak about it. 
Pottering in the afternoon, starting packing, as I’m off again for a few days. Mixed feelings, as always, about going away from home, but I know it’ll be good once I get there. 
In the early evening I popped round to see a friend who has recently bought a house nearby that needs pretty much entirely renovating.  She wanted to do this! She’s living in the house, and doing most of it herself - not the electrics obvs. She’s made great progress, but it still feels almost uninhabitable to me.  Of course I was really positive and talking about curtains and paint colours, and the delights of Dunelm. I think she’s amazing, I couldn’t do it. 

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