
By soozsnapz

Wet wet wet

Such a lot of rain today. By the evening it was like the monsoon and the road outside my house was like a river flowing downhill. Luckily I had to stay in all day for parcel from Virgin. A free new wifi hub. They said anytime between 7am and 8pm. Eventually arrived at 7pm. But I had stuff to do: the rest of my packing, making the spare room clean, tidy and welcoming for my son arriving tonight. And chopping up, cooking and freezing all the dozens of windfall apples. Took ages, cutting out the bruises and bad bits. When L arrived we had a bit of a catch up about life and work and stuff. Then he went to get us fish and chips for tea. Delicious. And no evil gulls in my living room to take my fish:) No Friday night film club , but we enjoyed watching The Grand Budapest Hotel again. Ralph Fiennes at his absolute best I think. And a really starry cast altogether.
Above is drippy fennel flower with bits of spider web

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