Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Paul and his new Laud instrument.

The Feast Day of Saint Bertrand de Garrigues. A French Saint. Died April 18th, 1230. A holy, kind Saint, who was known for his evangelism of the Gospel of Christ.

Also,maintain Cagnoald. Died 633. Remembered for his charitableness and for praying for his enemies as Christ taught us.

It is a lovely sunny morning with a cold blustery breeze.

I have been to buy our papers and done some washing.

Paul is ironing and soon I will put the washing on the line.

The wind will help it dry quickly.

I will write more later.

I went for a long walk in the glorious sunshine and took photos in Cut Wood. There were a few dog walkers about and the sunlight dappled the central path in the woods where tall beech, oak and birch trees grow. There are woodpeckers and many grey squirrels. The reservoir at the far end of the park has low water at the moment.

Next I wandered to look at the Piggy Park Community food growing allotment, which is a converted small park. I had an enjoyable chat with Ian, who has a productive raised bed there. He kindly showed me his tall sweetcorn and cabbages and some other vegetables, including pumpkins, courgettes, carrots and runner beans.He said I could freely take some apples from a beautiful apple laden tree. So I collected a few to share with Paul.

Paul and me are sitting in the garden reading, with the cats relaxing at our feet. I am having a Magnum.
Have a lovely day blip friends. I hope you have super weather like ours. 23.4c in the living room and 90f in the conservatory.

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