Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


My son is three!! The last three years have flown by and I have cherished every moment. Little Man is rapidly leaving toddlerhood behind and entering the phase of his life we call childhood. Every day is precious and I am so proud of my boy. He had an amazing morning at nursery. The staff hung bunting up and had made a hat for him to wear. I'd brought some ice lollies in (made with pears, strawberries and yogurt) for the kids. It's Dutch tradition to bring a snack in to share in school with your classmates and I want to ensure that Little Man gets to experience this. He'd got a few presents before he left (a backpack, a fire engine and a book) and then came home to open the rest of the course of the afternoon. He's been truly spoiled today. He got new tracks for some of his cars, two games, three emergency vehicles (pictured here) and two Land Rovers (from Caleb). He also got to speak to his Nannie and Granddad, his great-Nana, and his grandmother Jajja and grandfather Opa.

Caleb also popped round after dinner to spend time with the birthday boy, and give him his gifts. Its been a lovely day and I'm grateful for it.

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