Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Guggenheim Assemble

After what felt like a very long day, Rich & I headed into Town for the evening. We popped to Wagamama for dinner where Rich's main ended up getting refunded because the kitchen apparently forgot to make it (it finally arrived just after I'd finished mine, which I had been eating incredibly slowly in the hopes his would show up) then had a quick tot in the Post Office before making our way to the Symphony Hall for a screening of Across The Spider-Verse with a live orchestra accompaniment. I think there's very little in this world better than a great performance by a live orchestra, and one of those things is definitely a great performance by a live orchestra against the absolutely stunning visuals of this movie. Holy mother of pearl. The score to this movie is truly spectacular too, so it was really amazing to see it performed live. Someone needs to give the drummer some cookies from me because WOW did they have a difficult part and completely knocked out it of the park!

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