
By JohnW

Use by . . .

Very silly, this must almost be the first time we have finished a bottle of milk before the ‘use by’ date, or ‘best before’ as they call it these days.  Often we haven’t even started the bottle by then.

Silly bonus - I had to struggle the label back on to the bottle to get the photo . . .

I hope admirer would have found this silly enough.

Getting my blip done early after yesterday.  The daughter is coming over complete with grandson to shovel a load of gravel into the trailer.  This way they get a load when I drive over to retrieve my ladder (continuation of yesterday’s problems), and if they provide similar muscle another load when they borrow my ladder back again.
When I get my ladder home I have a camera to move; a replacement until we get a replacement for the replacement . . .   (Is that another silly bonus??)
Many thanks to Laurie54 for hosting this month, and DavidC for organising as ever.

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