
By jennym999

One sunflower!

This is the only. Sunflower plant that has grown on our allotment this year! However the bee seems happy with the pollen in it! There are not many on other plots either this year. I don’t think we will be winning tallest sunflower at our allotment show tomorrow as it’s less than 5ft tall. However we are entering a scarecrow, a flower arrangement and the grandchildren have both made miniature gardens.
I went to the allotment to make sure things are ready for tomorrow.

We had the grandchildren to stay overnight so that their parents could go to the ROH. They were very good as usual and left soon after 9 to go to the first football team session of the season.

This afternoon I have again been helping a friend who wants to look at all her old photos which are on discs…..I can access them on my laptop via a portable CD/DVD drive, but not on her laptop using the same CD drive so think she needs more expert help! She has bought a Blue ray player for old DVDs as she had got rid of her DVD player!

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