
By Wildwood

Myriad Coffee

Every trip to the Farmers' Market begins with a coffee from this stand. That's Eddie, the owner, pouring water over the coffee grounds to make the individual orders. It is a bit of a wait and apparently Eddie overheard a conversation between Dana and John. He was complaining about the cold fog which blew in from the coast this morning and she was telling him he should stop complaining, as he is usually complaining about how hot it is! Eddie put a sun on his cup of scarecrow coffee. Both the coffee and the sun helped warm him up and by the time we got home, the sun was out. We did go particularly early today and I wasn't at my best either!

The peaches and green beans are almost finished but there are still lots of tomatoes, eggplant is appearing and peppers are still going strong. 
There was a fellow with a camera pointing the biggest lens I've ever seen at a beautifully arranged pile of peppers. I was trying to figure out why he needed such a big lens when he was so close to his subject. He must have been on some sort of professional assignment as he had more than one camera and a tripod.

I just got a call from Rick and Meg to tell us that they are close... Highway 12 near the town of Sonoma but they had just seen the fire truck go by and traffic had stopped. Welcome to Sonoma County. They couldn't see any smoke so it may have been an accident. 

I told them we'd better spring into gear....

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