Keith B

By keibr

To the top!

One of my favourite trips on the e-bike is cycling up to the wind turbines we see on the horizon, from our house. It's 5,5 kms as the crow flies but about 12 km by road.
In July 2018 we saw a forest fire burning up there. In August that year we drove up and walked around to see how things looked. Part of the reason for going up now was to see how nature was reacting 6 years later. The extra shows a bit of the burned mountain. Where the soil wasn't completely burned away greenery has returned in the form of undergrowth and small birch trees. Virtually no larger trees survived and walking around is difficult because most of the trees had their roots burned and then have fallen so everywhere there are layers of dead trees to climb over.
The view in the main picture is looking north to the High Coast bridge. I have enough pictures of the impressive wind turbines so I thought this view more interesting.
Once I'd made the trip up to the top of the hill the first time I realised there is a whole network of gravel roads up in the hills, enabling trips to the neighbouring valleys. Today I explored a little. As a bonus I found a very small beach on Mockelsjön, Mockel Lake, where I could take a swim. It's not so often I can swim comfortably in September up here, but today was one of those times. I'd meant to take a towel with me but forgot. However, the sun was warm enough to dry me off as I ate my sandwich.
The trip home went very quickly as it's basically downhill with a few small uphills, and the steep final pull up to our village. I really enjoy the help the e-bike gives on the uphill bits. I choose how much I want to work and adjust the gears and motor accordingly. It makes trips like this possible for me and allows wider ranging exploration of the footpaths, tracks and gravel roads through the forest.
Since I'm posting this the day after I can report that I slept very well after this longer trip.

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