Keith B

By keibr

Blackberry Harvest

I once more worked in the garden today. I picked some potatoes, weeded some areas, cut over-enthusiastic vegetation back in a few places, and froze a few blackberries. I also carted garden rubbish away for Jan. Despite her foot she was cutting back some bushes but the foot meant she couldn't make her way to the compost heaps.
We were also in town to see the latest film from Ari Kaurismäki, Fallen Leaves.  This is at least the 4th film of his that I've seen and I am always knocked out by the quality (and strangeness) of his work. If you get a chance to see one of his films do it!
Today's blip was either going to be this picture or a picture of the new temporary bridge being built across the water separating the mainland from the island of Härnön. Jan put up a picture of the bridge, actually still half a bridge, and my image was so similar I went for the garden picture.
Because we have so many blackberries I often eat one as I pass by the canes, and I'm getting to be an expert. The fully ripe ones are sweet and watery and almost dissolve in the mouth, whereas the ones a day or two from full ripeness have more taste, are slightly less sweet, and require a little chewing. I still can't make up my mind which I prefer, so I'll just have to carry on eating both until I can finally make up my mind, or the season ends.

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