
By jennym999

The Wicked witch scarecrow

Today was our allotment show. This is our scarecrow for which we got second prize . The brief was to use recycled materials if possible…so the head and body are the same as last year with a new face added.  The ‘clothes’ are the black fabric that we use for covering the ground in the winter!
 The grandchildrens gardens won second and third prizes…see extras. They had to be given names so we have ‘Pond Garden’ and ‘ Garden after our return from a seaside holiday’.  I also got first prize for my ‘naturalistic’ flower arrangement and second prize for our blackberries so pleased with all of those! You just get a nice rosette no actual prizes. No prize for our runner beans.
I helped with registration of entries….masses of good apples this year. 

We were so lucky with the weather as have had so much rain in the last two days/ nights and forecast for today was not good either. Lots of people come along and bring their friends etc as there is also a barbecue and a beer tent. Also a stall which sells homemade preserves etc and a big raffle with good prizes from local businesses eg voucher for a meal,  tickets to local places etc. 

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