Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


It was miserable weather today - foggy and rainy.  But at least it wasn't cold.  I went out into the back garden during a dry-ish spell to feed the birds and got my blip shots - Montbretia, (Crocosmia), a hip on a  Rosa Rugosa bush and an ivy leaf.

Ive spent a quiet day at home.  Tidied up a bathroom cupboard, sorted out some stuff for a charity bag and watched TV - including the highlights of The Great North Run. This is its 43rd year and around 60,000 runners started the race this morning.  No family members running this year but my friend Cheryl took part and also Marty - one of my neighbours. Well done to everyone who participated and also those who manned drinks stations and first aid posts.  Debs from my slimming group was there as she's in the St Johns Ambulance Brigade. 

Steps today - 2.740

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