
By 58jc

From yesterday

Today was mostly washing and tidying up and tesco delivery.  I kept the tumble dryer on most of the day as I hate the place looking like Widow Twanky's Laundry (sorry if that is racist or cultural appropriation or whatever?!) .  

No.1 was supposed to meeting up with a friend at Wisley and we were driving to meet her but JC has hurt his ankle and couldn't drive.  OH drove to Bucks to pick her up and I got dinner ready and finished chores and ironing.  She showed us all the birthday presents she received and some of the words in the cards made me emotional.  She is SO LOVED by everyone.  She was in good spirits and it was lovely to see her and hear about her birthday picnic on Primrose Hill.  Her friends and JC did such a good job and arranged the music and Spice Girls theme so there was masks and disposable cameras and food and an amazing cake. It was on her 'f*ck it' list and they stayed to watch the sunset (although cloudy so probably didn't see much).  

Back home now and it's 'holiday - what holiday?!'

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