
By fitzbilly

Same Again

This time in focus, trying to escape on the inside of the kitchen window. I did let him go of course after I'd got a few shots.

I was intending to do a b&w for Mono Monday, negative space. But it looks so much nicer in colour.

We popped over to Burford this afternoon to look at some garden statues in an antiques centre there. Some of the prices though, many in the thousands of pounds. Mrsfb did buy another book figurine, £49 but she beat the seller down to £45. It will feature in a blip no doubt one day.

Another couple of scary moments on the A40. I'm beginning to wonder whether it is the silver/grey colour of our car, though we do have lights on of course.

Camera club this evening, it comes around quickly now.

One year ago:
Pseudo Camera Club
I don't think the prints are such a high standard this year, though as I mentioned yesterday some of the best ones were lost by Evri so a lot of this year's are the 'runners-up'.

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