A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A captured moment.

It was distinctly cooler this morning but the sun arrived and it’s been a delightful afternoon.

The blip is builder K having his lunch break sat on the terrace in the sun. He is joined by a hopeful Jengi cat! The builders joke that she is their buildings inspector as she follows them everywhere. 

Didn’t get to enjoy much of the day outdoors as we noticed yesterday that Eda has a rash on her face and very red cheeks. They feel quite hot too. So as I was here it was decided to let her stay home. She’s been absolutely fine.

We’ve spent a bit of time on spelling homework and I’ve been doing my homework sewing some patchwork which Grace has designed for a friend whose wedding is on Saturday. She can’t go because of two theatre performances but the ‘hens’ have all been sent fabrics to create something that represents the bride.   The bride is known for her ‘mermaid’ hair and she plays the piano. I’ve only done the stitching as Grace really doesn’t  have time but the creation us hers.The leaf is a commission from Eda! Extra
We opened two conkers I found near Bailbrook house on my walk back on Friday. We found three lovely shiny conkers in just two cases.

Eda has built Duplo animals after enacting the ‘story of a tree’ in Duplo  and we’ve played Guess Who and done a bit of French knitting which she is wearing as a headband. 
 When Jude got home she’d brought a garden making toy she’s borrowed which Eda then set up out in the garden.

A special day for Grace, she met a friend who is an original member of their ‘Momday’ Mondays started 7 years ago when Eda was born. They have always Keith Mondays for the adults and children to get together when possible. Of course people have moved and Covid was an interruption but mainly the children are now at school. Two of Eda’s friends were July and August babies and Eda being September was a whole year later starting school. Jude has had the friendship of the second children but they too are now starting school. Freddie was just in mornings this week so they’ve had a last Monday get together. They will of course still see each other but for ‘Momday’ it’s the end of an era! I didn’t want Grace to miss it.

Eda still has the rash but seems fine so I think she will be back at school tomorrow.

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