Keith B

By keibr

Wild plum harvest

Another day with two blips to load up, Sunday's and Monday's. Both feature the colour red, albeit in different guises.
Today was the last dry day for a while so I spent a lot of time cutting grass. I keep it cut particularly short under the wild plum tree because it makes it easy to see, and collect, the plums that have fallen from the tree. Usually I collect them to eat, loving the sharp sour taste of the tiny plums. This year there are so many plums I decided to try making jam, so I took advice from Jan and produced these three and a half jars. It tastes good and seems to have set so I'll maybe make some more. The preparation was a bit of a faff as I de-stoned the plums, a fiddly and messy job. Next time I think I'll boil up the fruit and fish the stones out before adding the sugar and reboiling.
We have no jars left and to get these four we had to make a point of eating the last bits of lemon curd and blackcurrant jam and quickly washing the jars they were in!
Tomorrow we are in town early and will hopefully pick up a few more empty jars from Rose.

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