Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Tick Tock

This pretty Swiss clock was a wedding present to Colin's parents in 1950. It sat on his mum's mantlepiece for as long as she had one then came to us. We love it and it now sits on our mantelpiece!
This morning was a little better than the last few days weatherwise, but by evening it was raining again.
I've definitely got a cold which is a pain, I was up at 2am inhaling the steam from some menthol crystals. I bought some new ones today and out of interest looked at the date on the old ones - May 2000. They seem to have a very short shelf life though as the new ones run out in May 2025. I think they may last rather longer than that and the old ones hadn't really lost their efficacy.
We had a Dean's Visitation today. She came to check over the church buildings to make sure we were maintaining them well and also to check and sign off the church registers. She comes every three years. We passed thank goodness although I couldn't find the Confirmation Register. I always enjoy looking through the registers for the names of family and people I knew.
After I got home I made the family chicken casserole. Tomorrow it will magically transform into three chicken pies.
We watched the quizzes after dinner, I scored well on OC, less so on UC!

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