Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


For lack of anything more exciting like a shot of rain or grey mist, here is my very useful thing for taking the lids off bottles. It only does up to just under two inches in diameter but it works really well. I'd be lost without it.
Church this morning, I was serving and chalice bearing so was busy. Our celebrant today was someone we like very much who is very gentle. I hope he'll be with us a lot over the next 6 months or so. Good hymns too and we ironed out a couple of mistakes from last week in the setting which we used. Miscommunication rather than anything else.
The Dean is coming tomorrow for her regular visitation, it will be interesting.
I've done very little today, for some reason I'm just not in the mood.
Onwards and upwards!
Thanks for the concern for Stuart, hopefully his knee is ok.

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