Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Still had a headache this morning when I woke up - I think its a side effect from the osteoporosis injection  - and I also had earache in one ear.  Both of these symptoms eased as the day went on.  So around 4pm I headed off down to the village for some food shopping.

Got my blip shot on the way.  The Mono Monday theme is Negative Space. Its not a theme I'm confident about but I've had a go.  My shot is of the mobile phone mast/floodlight at the local football club. The sky was a dull grey with barely any clouds. Thanks to Carolina for hosting the challenge.

When I got home I found that a parcel had been delivered.  It was a new computer chair.  So I set about putting that together.  Not easy as the instructions were dreadful.  ( or maybe I'm just not good at understanding them ).   Anyway I got it sorted and I'm sitting on it now... and it feels quite safe.

The weather today was dull, breezy and quite cold.  I had a warm coat on when I was out but I could have done with a scarf and gloves.

Steps today - 6,800

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