
By soozsnapz

Another collage

As I haven’t got enough extras to do it justice.
It was funny in the evening - as I was messaging a friend on holiday in Copenhagen. I said “off goes my message, going north”. My friends said, no, we’re way north of there. - looked on the map. We’re level with Stavanger in Norway. So surprised:)
A day travelling across to Hoy, across a famous body of water called Scapa Flow There is a fantastic museum at Lynness. I learned such a lot. The UK fleets were based here in the first and second world wars. And - in 1919, the defeated German navy deliberately sunk all their ships in Scapa Flow rather than forfeit them.
What was wonderful was the lovely, enthusiastic museum curator traced information about two of my uncles for me. One had died - I thought here, but it turned out to be in the Moray Firth - on HMS Exmouth in 1940. And another ghostly figure I know almost nothing about died aged 12 in 1920 in Malaya. He gave me further database addresses to find out more, including about my father’s war, as he told me so little. I was thrilled, and so was he, to have been able to help.
The collage:
The Hoy lighthouse from the ferry as we travel there.
Eyebright growing near the Scapa Flow museum. Something I’ve not seen before.
The flag of the Hindenberg was taken by a Hoy man from the ship before it was deliberately sunk in 1919. His daughter played with it, making a tent. It’s now in the museum.
Roaring back in our fast ferry across Scapa Flow, which I now know so much more about
An Orkney salad - we ate the three pea sized tomatoes (ie one each) that have ripened in my friend’s polycrub:-)
Viewing the ever present Hamnavoe arriving in the port, viewed from my friend’s house

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