
By Munroist4113

Back to school

Left to right - Nathaniel 10, Ella12, Thomas 11 and James 9

We are both tired today. We thought the ship would be relaxing but we were kept very busy! In case you are interested I have done all the back blips of the trip.

I saw Geoff when on my way to the post box and he said Ros would be happy if I called to see her so I did. She’s had a rotten 2 weeks since her hip operation and had to have loads of morphine for the pain. She had been about to get the op over a year ago when she had a clot so it had to be postponed till now. Consequently the hip was in a bad way. However she feels things are settling down now and is beginning to feel more herself.

My blip is from photos sent by the daughters when the children started the new term last week. So far James is coping with the transition to Middle School. A weird coincidence is that Nathaniel sits on the same English table as my Uni friend Wilma’s granddaughter. (Wilma lives in the west and we went to uni in Glasgow but her son and family live in Newcastle). Ella had a taste of circus school activities at scouts and loved it and now wants to join circus school but can’t as it’s the same time as scouts. She is getting more confident at basketball and hussled the ball off a boy in the opposing team. Both she and Nathaniel have joined Live Youth Theatre so that’s them busy on Thursday evenings.

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