
By Munroist4113

Leaving Moominland

Even though we were in an airport hotel Mr C insisted on getting up early. (3.45am!) We had time for some breakfast but I just made up a couple of rolls for later as Finnair only provides snacks you pay for.

We were so early the passport control for our gate wasn’t even open. It was a good flight of not much more than 2 hours to Edinburgh so we got there not long after we set off from Helsinki,as we gained 2 hours. We had a good view of Kinghorn on the descent, and then the bridges.

Edinburgh airport does nothing to encourage me to use it. The Finnair flight arrived somewhere in the nether regions, border control was quick but getting the bags took 1.5 hours. A chap in a yellow jacket told us the handlers had forgotten to go back for the second load. However Fast Park worked well and our car was waiting, but of course the by-pass was stop and start.

It’s sunny at home and I have got 2 loads of washing done. We are off again on Friday so I’ll need to get myself organised.

If you want to read about the trip I’ll back blip when I can. It’ll be a struggle choosing a photo as there’s so many!

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