Day at a Time

By Tweedy


There's a area of grass nearby which sprouts a forest of inkcap fungus in autumn. Blipping them gives me the opportunity to use a lovely word which I can only summon up at this time of year. Here is a mature inkcap starting to deliquesce

I had an interesting morning in Glasgow. I went with a friend who owns a flat on the trendy southside. She has offered us the occasional use of it. Today I went to look at it with my friend. Once we'd been through all the ins and outs I was given a set of keys and we went for coffee in one of the numerous lovely places in that part of the city. 

It is a very kind offer and one that we will definitely take up. Not this month I don't think but definitely in October. It's going to be a little holiday being part of the city buzz. 

Normally I'd be in Glasgow anyway meeting my grandson from school. However Cameraman is flying solo today because I'm out this evening with friends and I need to get myself organised here. We're going to the house of one of the group and all taking one dish to make a meal. We do this every year and it always works out beautifully. Looking forward to it very much. 

Edit: I'm not going to manage blip tonight. I've just been sent 40 applications to review for a job with the riding project! 

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