Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Out The Window

SWMBO and I walked the girls up to school this morning and introduced ourselves to their respective teachers .... so that we could get them back at the end of the day.
After that we went and did a bit of food shopping.

The rest of the day was very quiet ... until we went and collected the girls.
Bunny's teacher saw us and said that he had to talk to us before she came out.  Oh Dear!!!!
It turns out she had taken a tennis ball to the eye at break time ..... thrown by her sister! Purely accidental and she found it highly amusing.

Although I got a shot of what looks like a sunny day, it has actually been, cool, breezy and 'moist'.

The girls thought the infrared camera fitted with a fisheye used at close quarters quite amusing. 2 shots using that and one of a fence using the 'normal' camera are over here.

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