A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Walk to Batheaston

What a different morning, cooler yes but brilliantly clear, my view through the scaffold this morning at 7.30am showed Bath below brilliantly lit by the early sun with Bath Abbey standing out clearly in the centre distance. Just the sort of weather the builders were hoping for.

Grace had a late night, both getting in late and having cover work to prepare for school today. John took the girls this morning sky she took the rare opportunity to have a bit of a lie in.

Later we set off to walk to the next village, Bath Easton. You can walk down the lane to the main road leading to it or divert off onto the public footpath through the fields which is what we did. This is known as ‘The Ridge’
Great for views, directly across the Avon valley is, first Bathampton and then Bathford before picking up the view into Batheaston ahead on this side of the River Avon. I’ve walked on these paths before but they haven’t been enclosed as you can see here. At the edge of the fields are lots of brambles and when Jude was a baby we picked them for the girls to eat as we returned from a walk up Little Solsbury Hill.  Blip here. Last year the owner of the land warned people not to pick the fruit as he said he had sprayed them? This year the paths, which are public, have been enclosed between fences.

This area used to be market gardens years ago and the area below Grace on the right is an orchard. The trees were full of apples.

We dropped down into Batheaston and went for brunch at Gather,  a favourite eating place. We both had Croque Monsieur with mushrooms though Grace had hers with an egg on which makes it a Croque Madam! 

I’d forgotten how big the portions were, it was very nice.

It was nice to enjoy the sunshine and the views again as we retraced our steps straight after we’d eaten as we had to get back for Grace to head into Bath for the matinee performance at 2.30 pm, she won’t be back again until after this evening’s performance.

The extra shows the window view over Bath this morning and views of Bathampton and Bathford with the apple trees in the foreground, the last picture on the path shows Batheaston ahead in the valley bottom.

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