
By Ingleman

Oh What A Day It Has Been!

Well, to recount the events of my day might be a few chapters in a novel, so to spare you the pain I will summarise:

After a three anxious-day delay I finally got my currency from the post office. (CHF)

After a two anxious day search I finally found my EHIC card, now safely ensconsed about my wife's person!

After a two day delay I finally activated my Samsung/Lebara account and arranged roaming for a small fee, so hopefully  I will be able to upload to blip from the mountains. (Not convinced but we will see)

After a two anxious day delay I managed to get in touch (finally) with our energy supplier to renew the contract for another two years. It was due to expire at a most inconvenient time.

Our son J has landed for a short stay and is helping me with my stresses, hence the success of so many issues getting resolved.

We walked Hollie earlier and it was nice, for a while. Then it wasn't (Extra)  We got drenched!

I am in a more peaceful state of mind now, having overcome several issues that had my stress levels doing the boingy boingy thing.

North Face Of The Eiger, here I come....

**In addtion to, and also, the plumber came, fixed the leak, installed two new taps, and two isolation valves for future emergencies. (Of course, I could have done all this myself but I like to help local trades...)**

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