Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A Moment of Silence

Usually the hummingbirds are in constant motion but this morning this young female perched for an unusually long time.  And at 9:27 AM - the exact time the third jet hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  This little hummer even had her eye closed for the briefest of moments.  Coincidence?  Maybe, maybe not.  But it gave me some serenity.

Later in the morning, I watched the 5 "bigs" in my Monarch nursery start acting restless, wandering around the plants and container, not eating.  This is the first step to them finding their quiet place to pupate.  There are still another 9 or so who will soon follow, although the last two are still fairly small.  In any event, they will all be on their way towards the end of September, headed to the mountains of Mexico.

It is hard to believe that it has been 23 years since that awful day when terrorists launched the deadliest attack in history on our country.  I still remember how I felt that day - the fear, shock, grief, confusion.  But here we are, still standing.  

And Kamala Harris knocked it out of the park last night during the debate.  She won't change of the minds of the Trump loyalists, but I hope that at least some of the undecided voters will become "decided."  She was, in my opinion, very presidential, very solid, very strong.  Tick tock.


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