Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A Blur

When the aperture is wide open, when the hummingbird flies close and hovers just barely in the focal range, when the wings are moving so fast they can barely be seen by the human eye.  And when the camera grabs perfect focus on the bird's eye.  

And as I sit on the deck keying this, a hummer just flew right up to me, hovering maybe a foot from where I am sitting.  Is there anything more magical???

I had my teeth cleaned and a quick exam by the dentist.  All well and I'm off the hook for another six months.  Had my weekly dose of methotrexate last night and it left me feeling very tired and a little nauseas today.  Normal side effects but I am hoping my body will adjust to the increased dose and the tiredness will diminish.  I feel like I lost most of the day.  Oh well.

I'm due to pick up Jax soon from his weekly day care date.  He will be very happy to sleep quietly tonight while we watch a little television.  

Seven monarchs are j-hanging in their mesh containers, getting ready to change into a jewel-like orb, the last phase of their metamorphosis. About 10 more are eating voraciously and will probably start looking for a spot to hang in the next day or two.  I watch the temps at night now so that I can bring them into the garage if it is going to dip below 55 or so.  

Dark with orange today.

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