
By Teasel


Today was going to be busy, and things had to be arranged around my yet to be scheduled hospital appointment.  I got the call at 8:20am, rather than the 9:00am I was expecting. I was just about to go in the shower, but am so glad I had lain in bed for an extra five minutes.  He was just checking I still needed an appointment – to which the answer was yes.  He said he would call me back in five minutes, which turned into twenty minutes.  So at 8:40, I was offered an appointment at 9:00.  I managed to put it back to 9:10, which allowed me time to jump in the shower and still get there on time.  Like Wednesday, the experience was rather an ordeal and very painful.  Like Wednesday, the nurse was very patient, understanding and supportive.  While one nurse was doing what she needed to do, another was assisting and offered me her hand to, which I gladly held on to, to help me cope with the pain.  I was so glad when it was all over, treated and covered up.  I wandered home through the haar, and sat down for a wee while to gather myself together, before having some breakfast.
Meanwhile BB was getting himself ready, so we could head to Ikea, to do the dreaded pre-University shop.   The road was busy and the fog was thick, so not the most pleasant drive..  I think we got most of the things on his list.  I know there are one or two things still outstanding, but we can sort them out during the week.  We were quite efficient, and were back home just after 1pm, having also stopped off for some sandwiches  and pizzas for later.  BB had his lunch, then got himself ready to go to Foxlake, with his summer work colleagues.  I dropped him off, then came home and had my lunch, and got on with a few chores, before going out for a wee walk in the fog.  I was pretty weary by the time I got back.  BB appeared back around 6pm.  They had gone for a late lunch after their Foxlake shenanigans – his second lunch of the day!
I then had to get myself ready to head out to meet up with TT, as we were going to the opera to see a Scottish Opera production of the comic opera Albert Herring , which was on locally.  I met TT outside the venue.  I wasn’t sure about this, and to be honest it took me a little while to get into it, but in the end we both really enjoyed it.  It tells the story of a town where all the local girls are discounted from being eligible to be the May Queen for various reasons, so they appoint a May King (Albert Herring) instead.  It felt quite long, and I was starting to feel tired. Although enjoyable, I was glad to get home to my bed.
This was today’s weather.  Grim.

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