
By Teasel

Senior Debut

It was yet another grim day – more fog/haar.  I overslept.  I had to take BB shopping and had planned to leave around 9am, unfortunately after a poor night’s sleep I didn’t wake up until after 9am.  However, I got myself ready and made sure BB also go himself ready, and off we went to buy chinos and a blue shirt.  Both were sourced and purchased and we then drove straight back home again, as we had no time for any other shopping.
TT sorted us out with brunch while BB was getting himself ready for his senior debut on the rugby pitch.  We became aware of his nerves/anxiety when we noticed he couldn’t eat – which is most unlike him.   We then headed off to the match, around the bypass which was a complete nightmare as it was packed and very slow moving.  It all became quite stressful, as we had to pick up two of BB’s friends and team mates from Heriot Watt University on our way.  Eventually the traffic started to move again and we got to the club, with the three players.  Parking was at a premium, but we managed to get a space.  We didn’t dare move the car, so went for a very uninspiring walk to a supermarket to pick up provisions for tea, before heading back to the game. 
Only BB and his friend B played, their other friend was a sub, but unfortunately didn’t get any game time.  BB and B both played well for the whole game and did not look out of place on the pitch, apart from being the youngest players by far.  BB’s team should have won, but alas it was a draw.  The lads were happy not to have lost the first game of the season.  The chinos and blue shirts were for after the game.  They enjoyed the hospitality, while we waited on them.  We dropped the two students off and then headed home.  The sun had eventually broken through very late afternoon which was just lovely, however as we drove back round the bypass we were straight back into the fog.
TT lit the barbeque and cooked steaks, while I had a tuna steak.  I was very weary and took up residence on the sofa.  Around 9:30pm BB appeared and said he was off into Edinburgh to meet up with friends.  I believe he came home on the night bus at around 4am. 
BB played number 14 today.

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