
By TonyG

Winter Sky

It certainly felt wintry in the brisk wind blowing straight down from the arctic tonight as I walked the dogs by the Dysynni.  No-one else there, even the line of campervans of last week had reduced to just one.   Peaceful if bracing, a lovely stroll before it got too dark to see properly.

Another longish day at Aber Cafe passed uneventfully, following much the same pattern as yesterday, quieter in the afternoon and finished in good time.  I've been very lucky to be helped out by friend and neighbour M who came in to look after the dogs for a while today.  She's clearly a dog whisperer as Meg went out for a walk with her very cheerfully ... she usually flatly refuses to let other people take her for a walk!   

A day off tomorrow.  Not a quiet one but it should be fun :-)

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