An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

In the huff...

The pigeon amused me for almost half an hour with his antics so I felt he deserved to be immortalised in my Blip Journal.  Unfortunately he turned camera shy when I produced my phone! :-)

A short write up today hurrah I hear you say! as I'm still trying to complete my online Tesco order.

After going to bed feeling a bit yuk last night with a headache, tiredness and a watery eye and nose....I was relieved to get a negative covid test and I've felt absolutely fine today.

David headed off to play golf with Keith and Alan and Aliyah headed to Glasgow, so I took myself to the studio and after ignoring Mairi's thistle on slate painting I finally forced myself to get on with it.  Actually that's not strictly true as my time away from it served its purpose and I was actually looking forward to putting brush to slate.

I am happy to say it is almost finished.  It's still not how I envisaged it in my head, but it's developed in its own way and I'm not unhappy with it.  I need to learn to go with the flow :-)  All that remains to paint is the bee and then some final small details and it will be ready to seal with slate varnish so she can place it outdoors.  Seeing Agnes and Adrian tomorrow so will probably be the weekend before I get back to it.

Right!  Tesco order!

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