
By tridral

Ffocws a golau, pâr newidiol

Ffocws a golau, pâr newidiol ~ Focus and light, a changing pair

“Limit your tools, focus on one thing, and just make it work… you become very inventive with the restrictions you give yourself.”
― Anton Corbijn

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Mae'r arbrawf yn parhau. Mae wedi bod yn ddiddorol iawn gadael cyflymder y caead ac ISO yn unig. Yna mae'n rhaid i mi newid yr agorfa a gweld y golau'n dod yn fwy disglair a'r cefndir yn dechrau pylu. Mae'n syniad syml ond mae'n rhoi mwy o gyfleoedd i mi ddysgu am ffotograffiaeth.

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The experiment continues. It has been very interesting to leave the shutter speed and ISO alone. Then I have to change the aperture and see the light get brighter and the background start to fade. It's a simple idea but it gives me more opportunities to learn about photography.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gellyg yn yr ardd
Description (English): Pears in the garden
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