
By ArcLight

Flodden Wall

It was a sprinty sort of day. Sprinting to sort the flat out first thing. Sprinting to get to work on the bike whilst taking a reasonably long run at it to get in a bit of exercise (no time for anything else). Sprinting through my meetings (hopefully not putting anyone off...). Back on the bike and fast down the hill to collect the car and lock up the flat. Up the road, hopefully not too fast, to Tain. I made it in time, with a brief stop at Ralia, to get to the Jen Stout event. She was amazing. Very powerful rendering of the stories and experiences of people she met in Ukraine, weaved together with a narrative of the politics, which she clearly has a sophisticated understanding of. And she's from Fair Isle. Never knowingly met someone from Fair Isle before. And she doesn't have a wikipedia page, which seems an omission.

It was definitely worth the rush to get there in time for the event, for which we managed to get me a last minute ticket. It was very busy which was great to see.

Home in the dark and I collapsed into bed.

I've never knowingly blipped the Flodden Wall on the Pleasance before. This seems an omission which I could put right today.

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