Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A sunny walk

Last night we very much enjoyed our Japanese meal, I ordered blackened cod which was delicious. The problem with Japanese food is that many of the sauces used contain gluten so I always have a very restricted menu from which to order.

Today was fresh, it felt very chilly when I went outside first thing this morning, but it was bright and sunny.

I enjoyed my walk with Xena, more bracken is turning golden but I have not seen any leaves in the woods turning yet. Back home for a coffee and then I did some grocery shopping, and popped into the post office to post off a return.

Tomorrow I am attending a photography session in London hosted by the Royal Photographic Society, and thankfully the weather is looking good, sunny and dry. So I charged my camera batteries and packed my bag so its all ready. It finishes late so I will only get home around 10pm so not sure what will happen about eating supper tomorrow.

Gavin left this morning to go to Scotland, he is back tomorrow evening. He reports that he has beautiful sunny weather where he is, at Loch Lomond.

I finished my book today, All the Colours of the Dark - wow, it was a terrific read. I never read crime novels, and although this author is known for his crime novels this is so much more than just a crime novel and it is so well written - highly recommended.

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