Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Dirty carrots

My cold continues to annoy me, how many handkerchiefs can one go through in 24 hours? I'm hoping it may have peaked now!
I was signed off by the online physio today as my back seems to have made a good recovery which is a relief in more ways than one.
This afternoon I went up to Craigies to meet with blipper Marchmont, I'd had to cancel a couple of weeks ago. It was good to hear some of her experiences in 'My' India.
On the way back I popped into the rectory to meet up with someone re dinner if the smaller jobs which needed doing quickly. Unfortunately her workman is fully booked for the near future. That's fine actually as I think we need to look at the whole picture before perhaps doing things in the wrong order. We also need to look at a budget. That's what comes of being married to the treasurer!
My blip is of the fruit and veg display at Craigie, I do like to see dirty carrots, mind you the mud and foliage can work out quite expensive!

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