Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Not much to report today.  I stayed at home until it was time to walk to slimming group.  Did a few chores but nothing too strenuous - and I caught up with some TV viewing.

Lost one pound at slimming group.  Only 11 members stayed after getting weighed.  Out consultant has started a new group a couple of miles away and that one is doing well - 63 members.  We had one new member tonight.  Hopefully a few more will come along in the coming weeks.

The weather today was dry and we had bright sunshine this morning - but its still chilly.  I put the heating on when I got back home this evening.  When the heating is on Tino usually heads straight for the radiator bed but tonight Lily got there first. ( see Extra ) He wasn't best pleased.  Maybe I will have to buy another radiator bed so they will both be happy.

The Abstract Thursday theme is.'natural abstract'  I took a photo of some of the berries on a St John's Wort bush and did some processing using Picasa.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Steps today - 4,731 ( not many today as I got a lift back from slimming group )

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