michigan man

By outdoorguy

Kathy (or Kevin?) the Kildeer

Kildeers are a funny bird. Instead of building their nests in a tree or on top of my front porch light. they construct them right on the ground, sometimes with entirely no cover.

They are a pretty bird, and are known for faking a wing injury to draw you away from their nesting area. Back when I was an assistant coach for a local high school softball team, we had a nest in left-centerfield, and had to inform the visiting team to watch out for mama kildeer.

I waited for the bird to fake an injury, but she wouldn't. Perhaps she didn't feel threatened by an old man...in a mini-van.

I did get my CT scan done this morning. I had to wake up at 6 a.m. to down 16 more ounces of the chalky liquid, and then got an additional IV contrast at the 7 a.m. procedure. They tell you that the IV gives you a warm fuzzy feeling and a metallic taste, and they are right.

Later, I took my dad to his skin doctor, and now...since Lisa is away at a women's retreat, I am actually watching a movie. (She never lets me operate the TV remote.)

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