
By ABeautifulNow


Summer got the best of me and I haven't been taking picture every day but I did take a ton of picture this summer. Just never taken the time to post them or really review them! Sometimes ya just do not want to sign on to another computer after working 8 hours on one!  

August was wonderful tho! 
In our family with have 6 birthdays in august, so alot of family time! we went to the lake, only once but it was a beautiful warm day and we made a ton of memories like how there were so many lady bugs and my kids would count them and then count their spots and eventually we started to name them and I have to convince my daughter to not bring them all home and that they want to stay at the lake where their home is! we went ice skating and bike rides and of course to a sunflower maze and shopping for new clothes for school and started school! we tired a few new restaurants and watch a lighting storm! we saw a small light streak of the northern lights!  unfortunately no picture, we were driving! we had lazy days and movie nights and just experienced life together!  

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