
By biddy

He’s here again……7:30am, on the windowsill

I let him into the kitchen, leaving the door slightly open, having closed all the interior doors, but this time I was absolutely not going to feed him. He is well fed, has a home somewhere about near here, and wasn’t on the doorstep first thing yesterday.
Neither is he generally around in the garden during the day.
He mooched around the kitchen looking hopeful as I made my porridge, and a cafetière, (having previously put all the bedding on to wash) Rubbing against my ankles from time to time, as they do.
Stephen appeared and gave me a “ Oh no, not again!”look till I said I hadn’t fed the visitor anything this time!
Eventually I went to open the door more widely and of course our visitor thought I was going to put some food outside! Off he went, and I closed it again quickly.
After he had had a drink in the saucer I keep for the birds on the patio, he went off under the bushes.
Not seen him since. Which is good.
Having already had five cats since we moved here 43 years ago this year (how can it be that long!), we are not going to have another one, much as I love them.
If this one was obviously a stray I would most likely ring the Cats Protection League.
On another note. It is actually bright and sunny this morning but was 5C at 8:00 am.
Good day for washing, and hanging it on the line outside.
When I’ve finished my breakfast another load will be consigned to the machine.
Here’s a link to a blog I used to write, about washing day in the 1950’s at our terraced home.

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