A Daily Dose

By suejay50


This beauty was in the garden of a friend whom three of us visited this afternoon - she lives in the back of beyond, on Exmoor.  We were going to see her Mother who is up for a week or so; Mum is getting on now but was our mentor in the early days when we did our LRPS! She had a very good eye for detail and seeing wonderful shots.  At 92 sadly her sight is failing now but she enjoys reminiscing and catching up with our latest doings.
The road to the house was full of potholes and diversions but we did eventually get there for a cuppa and a pastel de nada - yum!
Being in the country we saw squirrels, numerous birds, newts, frog and toads.  We listened to tales of deer and foxes visiting and the shenanigans they got up to! The veg garden is very popular to the wild life!

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