A Daily Dose

By suejay50


Picked up granddaughter Eloise , her mum, Ali and husband, Terry, and drove up to London.  A good run through, with little traffic - and I was grateful that  Terry volunteered to drive through London!  We got to our hotel then they went and parked the car. 
Ali had booked a cruise on the Thames (part of my birthday gift) so we strolled down to the pier and waited for its arrival.  We sat upstairs so had a great view! A glass of Prosecco and canapés were brought round - delicious nibbles - as we floated downriver. As the sun set we had a fabulous view of all the lights on the buildings. I even managed to 'catch' a flight over the shard!  The moon rose too and showed itself near the Tower Bridge.
I'd not taken my camera to London, knowing I'd have enough trouble keeping up with the family without lugging gear around so all pictures were taken with my phone.
A fabulous boat trip, after which we popped into the local Wetherspoons for fish and chips. Delicious. Then strolled back to the hotel for a welcome sleep!

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