French Italia

By FrenchItalia

2Colour problem

Coloured glass samples take 300
Any likes with what we havw to match with?  would set a poll.. Love a poll..

So today  last evening v unsettling time for our daughter.. Collected her scrubs from new hospital.. Became v overwhelmed and clear imposter syndrome set in.. Understandable not worked  in AE for 5 years.. and where life took a dramatic change for her..
Flowers at hairdressers

So she is feeling v alone and lonely here and i need to think where 30 something van connect with other people samw age.
Whats rocked balance Her psychologist gone on 3 week compassionate leave and and this was crucial planning new job and today R going to meet her dear school friends dinner London means train up and back late... after the day incident anxiety.provoking for both of us in our own ways..
So agreed action Im on train now 7 30pm to london to meet her for 9.30 train back.. together.. 
Hence sunset train track photo... watching Grace on my ipad.. 
I know she will be safe getting back together.. 

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